Our Founder and President, Sherine Genevieve, after a very long career in Accounting, Corporate Administration and Banking, moved on to doing something that had been very close to her heart, which is a unique micro-business assistance program. It is different to the traditional micro-loans and micro-grant programs in operation. She called the product “Micro-Forwards” because of the very effective ‘giving forward’ cycles it creates. Sherine is a strategic visionary with a clear sense of purpose, creative thinker with an analytical mind, very innovative in procedures and systems, and has worked for seven leading international banks where she held senior positions. Her long years with the banks opened her mind and heart to notice something unfair happening in the system
A better way to assist poor businessmen –
The Micro Forwards model was introduced by her to provide a better way to assist micro-business start-ups or expansions in impoverished communities. While the previously introduced microfinance model (micro-loans) has greatly assisted and still does a great service to poor communities around the globe, the debt burden arising from such loans that is borne by those poor borrowers is rather high because of the very high interest component included in their pay-back amounts.
Unfairness in the traditional system –
Sherine was perturbed when she observed that micro loan interest rates are very much higher than the average loan interest rates that the banks charge from regular corporate or business customers. She realized that there is a great deal of unfairness which however seemed to not have a solution in the microfinance sector. The reason being the high risk the microfinance institutions face due to probable defaults on loans that can never be recovered; hence, they try to cover this risk by charging very high interest rates from the good payers as well.
Not ethical to pass on the loss burden of bad loans to good customers –
She thought it is not ethical to let good well paying borrowers bear the loss burden of bad loans and thus be heavily indebted with very high interest loaded loans. In the normal banking sector, it is the bank that bears such losses and do not pass it on to the bank’s good customers by charging high interest rates from them. She wondered why it is then that the poor borrower is deprived of similar treatment.
There definitely needs to be a solution she thought –
There should be some way out for these poor businessmen she thought, and came up with this “micro-forwards” concept that not only relieves the poor man or woman from the unfair high interest burden, but takes off the interest component totally. Further, they are not even called borrowers, but ‘givers’ because the moment they become self reliant with the funds received, they themselves are required to become ‘givers’ and give forward through the organization to help another person.
She says: “It was during my banking career that I was burdened with the injustice done to poor entrepreneurs simply because there was no way they could prove their credit worthiness to borrow. Numerous times I have come across such men and women who were deprived of financial help despite the great potential they had, to succeed in their humble little business ventures. Even if they were approved, extremely high interest rates were charged to cover anticipated risks; this is what is presently happening in the microfinance sector too. I have been divinely led to follow a different direction, and I am eager to see it materialize by working with a passionate and committed team”
Be GIVERS! is what we encourage all human beings to be
SELF RELIANCE for the poor! is what we want to achieve
By gratefully welcoming whatever “Seed Givers” (Donors) and “Time Givers” (Volunteers) are able to contribute, we use all of that to make a lasting difference in the lives of the hardworking poor.
With great commitment we have undertaken to do the following:
- Promote and encourage giving and sharing by igniting and bringing to light the hidden or dormant inbuilt giving potential present in every human being.
- Provide the best feedback possible on the great impact that givers’ investments are making, and also show evidence of the recycling and regenerating effect such investments are creating, so that those who always have the question “what is in it for me?” and those who think that they are safe and better off by not giving and sharing at all would come to realize the rewarding experience behind the act of giving and also understand the unexplainable emotional satisfaction it gives.
- Enlighten and inspire affluent businessmen in urban communities that it would be in their interest as well to ‘give’ and raise the standards of living in the economically inactive rural neighborhoods, because it would in turn give rise to expanded or newer market opportunities for their businesses, and gradually move on to having overall positive effects on the global economy as well. Also convince the affluent that urban living would indeed be safer when frustrations of poverty leading to crimes disappear.
- Knock at the doors of all donor organizations out there and large commercial establishments, banks, etc., which value CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and seek their generous support and continuous participation to make this revolutionary giving system spread worldwide effectively and powerfully. Organize very effective fundraising programs/events on a periodic basis to attract generous donations from individuals, groups, and any other types of donors. Make maximum use of the social media networks to publicize and promote this unique giving system and attract continuous donations.
- Use the donations to reach out to the poor who are not yet self-reliant. Introduce a revolutionary giving mechanism where anything that is given (money/material things/services/knowledge/training) does not just get all used up and stop there, but continues to recycle and regenerate because, in this giving system, the receivers themselves are required to give and share as well.
- Ensure that this unique giving system works smoothly to achieve the intended results where the recipients are able to stand on their own feet and are relieved from having to beg or wait until others supply their daily needs continuously.
- While family by family gets relieved from poverty, start major community development programs with the involvement of professional mission groups and nonprofit organizations committed to doing such projects with whom Givers League would partner.
- Strive for sustainability and excellence – Communicate effectively, convince, motivate, build good rapport, and maintain strong/steady long-term relationships/partnerships with the organization’s internal and external stakeholders, constituents, and donors. Use resources effectively and efficiently. Offer incentives to encourage micro-forward recipients to continue giving even after they have given back in full what they received.